

An idea among curious and enthusiastic people, but above all by designers with thirty years of experience in the furniture sector, was the driving force behind the studio. Its natural habitat is the development of projects from the concept of the designer to the start-up in production.


Through a different working method we help to design new business organisations, untying them from their perimeter. We connect peoplewith their own stories so that they share their know-how, findnew alliances and live new relationships.



The work and tradition of a territory, the heart of the furniture industry, is what we promote and support. We help to support companies that invest in young people by transferring information and trying to bridge the gap between education and job placement.


New Canaan Modern Architects: 50 Years of Achievement 1968-2018

May 2018


CTC&G Innovation in Design Award – Architecture – Finalist

September 2017


athome A-List Award – Entryway Design

September 2016


HOBI Award – Best Out-of-State Custom Home

November 2015


AIA Westchester Design Award – Citation

October 2015


athome A-List Award – Kitchen Design

September 2012

athome A-List Award – Kitchen Design

September 2017


Connecticut AIA – Emerging Architectural Firm Biennial Award

November 2014


athome A-List Award – Entryway Design

September 2013


HOBI Award – Best Out-of-State Custom Home

November 2012


AIA Westchester Design Award – Citation

October 2012


A10 – new European architecture

March 2018



January / February 2018


Architectural Digest

November / December 2017

Connecticut Cottages & Gardens

November / December 2017


Architectural Digest

September / October 2017


Deutsche Bauzeitung

July / August 2017


Pellentesque luctus, dui sit amet blandit ornare, lacus turpis maximus nulla, at porttitor magna purus vel nunc.